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    Mark 5
    •   So they arrived at the opposite shore of the Lake, in the country of the Gerasenes.
    •   At once, on His landing, there came from the tombs to meet Him a man possessed by a foul spirit.
    •   This man lived among the tombs, nor could any one now secure him even with a chain;
    •   for many a time he had been left securely bound in fetters and chains, but afterwards the chains lay torn link from link, and the fetters in fragments, and there was no one strong enough to master him.
    •   And constantly, day and night, he remained among the tombs or on the hills, shrieking, and mangling himself with sharp stones.
    •   And when he saw Jesus in the distance, he ran and threw himself at His feet,
    •   crying out in a loud voice, "What hast Thou to do with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? In God's name I implore Thee not to torment me."
    •   For He had said to him, "Foul spirit, come out of the man."
    •   Jesus also questioned him. "What is your name?" He said. "Legion," he replied, "for there are a host of us."
    • 10   And he earnestly entreated Him not to send them away out of the country.
    • 11   Feeding there, on the mountain slope, was a great herd of swine.
    • 12   So they besought Jesus. "Send us to the swine," they said, "so that we may enter into them."
    • 13   He gave them leave; and the foul spirits came out and entered into the swine, and the herd--about 2,000 in number--rushed headlong down the cliff into the Lake and were drowned in the Lake.
    • 14   The swineherds fled, and spread the news in town and country. So the people came to see what it was that had happened;
    • 15   and when they came to Jesus, they beheld the demoniac quietly seated, clothed and of sane mind--the man who had had the legion; and they were awe-stricken.
    • 16   And those who had seen it told them the particulars of what had happened to the demoniac, and all about the swine.
    • 17   Then they began entreating Him to depart from their district.
    • 18   As He was embarking, the man who had been possessed asked permission to accompany Him.
    • 19   But He would not allow it. "Go home to your family," He said, "and report to them all that the Lord has done for you, and the mercy He has shown you."
    • 20   So the man departed, and related publicly everywhere in the Ten Towns all that Jesus had done for him; and all were astonished.
    • 21   When Jesus had re-crossed in the boat to the other side, a vast multitude came crowding to Him; and He was on the shore of the Lake,
    • 22   when there came one of the Wardens of the Synagogue--he was called Jair--who, on beholding Him, threw himself at His feet,
    • 23   and besought Him with many entreaties. "My little daughter," he said, "is at the point of death: I pray you come and lay your hands upon her, that she may recover and live."
    • 24   And Jesus went with him. And a dense crowd followed Him, and thronged Him on all sides.
    • 25   Now a woman who for twelve years had suffered from haemorrhage,
    • 26   and had undergone many different treatments under a number of doctors and had spent all she had without receiving benefit but on the contrary growing worse,
    • 27   heard of Jesus. And she came in the crowd behind Him and touched His cloak;
    • 28   for she said, "If I but touch His clothes, I shall be cured."
    • 29   In a moment the flow of her blood ceased, and she felt in herself that her complaint was cured.
    • 30   Immediately Jesus, well knowing that healing power had gone from within Him, turned round in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?"
    • 31   "You see the multitude pressing you on all sides," His disciples exclaimed, "and yet you ask, `Who touched me?'"
    • 32   But He continued looking about to see the person who had done this,
    • 33   until the woman, frightened and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and threw herself at His feet, and told Him all the truth.
    • 34   "Daughter," He said, "your faith has cured you: go in peace, and be free from your complaint."
    • 35   While He is yet speaking, men come from the house to the Warden, and say, "Your daughter is dead: why trouble the Rabbi further?"
    • 36   But Jesus, overhearing the words, said to the Warden, "Do not be afraid; only have faith."
    • 37   And He allowed no one to accompany Him except Peter and the brothers James and John.
    • 38   So they come to the Warden's house. Here He gazes on a scene of uproar, with people weeping aloud and wailing.
    • 39   He goes in. "Why all this outcry and loud weeping?" He asks; "the child is asleep, not dead."
    • 40   To this their reply is a scornful laugh. He, however, puts them all out, takes the child's father and mother and those He has brought with Him, and enters the room where the child lies.
    • 41   Then, taking her by the hand, He says to her, "Talitha, koum;" that is to say, "Little girl, I command you to wake!"
    • 42   Instantly the little girl rises to her feet and begins to walk (for she was twelve years old). They were at once beside themselves with utter astonishment;
    • 43   but He gave strict injunctions that the matter should not be made known, and directed them to give her something to eat.
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    NEW TESTAMENT IN MODERN SPEECH by Richard F. Weymouth, 3rd Edition (1912)--Revised & edited E. Hampden-Cooke

    ........... PUBLIC DOMAIN .. COPY FREELY ..........
    Reprint available Kregel Publications. Grand Rapids MI

    • Direction: LTR
    • LCSH: Bible. N. T. English.
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Mark 5:

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